EV Chargers: Are They Worth It?

Electrical Vehicle (EV) chargers: the future of powering cars and a step forward into contributing into increasing consumption of renewable energy. With the growth of electric vehicle charging devices installed in the UK increasing by 2,418 it raises the questions of “what is the hype?” or “are they really worth it?”.
In this article we will go through the importance, benefits, and drawbacks of everything to do with EV chargers.
First off what are EV chargers? Luckily for you we have a complete guide explaining what EV chargers are and how they work. Take a read of our “EV Chargers: Your Complete Guide” article.
Now lets get into the real pros and cons of EV charger installations:
Benefits of EV chargers
What are the advantages of installing an EV charger?
Prevents range anxiety
What is range anxiety you may ask? It is the fear that you won’t have enough battery charge to complete your journey and reach your destination. With range anxiety you can become anxious that you could be stranded.
So how does this relate to the benefit of an EV charger installation? In simple terms, it is the perfect solution. You can simply and conveniently charge your electric vehicle overnight (which is usually cheaper too) and remove the anxieties of worrying about timings and planning to charge your electric vehicle at a charging point prior to your journey.
Save money in the long-run.
Installing a home EV charging point allows you to save money. Generally rapid public charging points can be more expensive (even if they do take half the time to charge) and they do require a lot more planning prior to those long journeys. As a result, home EV charging points can be a lot cheaper, convenient and an all-round more cost effective method of recharging your electric vehicle.
It is also possible to get government grants to help fund your EV charging points such as the Electric vehicle charge point grant. Read our guide to find out more information on what this grant can offer and how to apply.
Charge via renewable energy. Want to save even more money, whilst staying eco-friendly? You can save more money through charging via your renewable energy. This can be done through solar power integration from your home’s solar PV systems to your home’s EV charging station. This means instead, of sourcing the energy to charge your EV from the National Grid, you can source via green energy! All you need is a solar compatible EV charger and solar PVs on your roof. For more information on solar PV visit our page.
Earn money.
Looking for some extra income? There are many ways in which you can earn some extra income after installing a home EV charging station such as:
Apps – share your charge:
Thanks to apps such as the CoCharger community EV charging app you can join peer-to-peer charging scheme when you can rent and share your EV charge with your neighbour. With this, they can use your EV charging station and pay you for your charge.
Increase Property Value
Looking to sell your property? Installation of a home EV charging system can boost your property’s value adding more value than what your paid for your EV charger installation, earn profit and invest into your home.
It is estimated via the Office of National Statistic that if your UK house price is valued at £194,000, you could increase the value of your home by £25,220.
But why is this?
Take a look above at all of these benefits. Additionally, it has been estimated that after 2035, all petrol and diesel cars will be banned. As a home buyer, preparing for future legislations, saving money and becoming more eco-friendly in this economy and environment is a no brainer if they are taking a slightly higher investment in buying a property.
What are things to consider with EV chargers?
Are there any disadvantages to installing an EV charger at home?
How much you use your EV.
If you use your EV frequently, EV home chargers’ benefits will be greater than if you do not use your EV as often. However, with new peer-to-peer schemes, you can still use your home EV charging station as a source of income and something to consider with the new diesel and petrol bans in the foreseen future in case you need to change your vehicle after 2035.
Initial installation costs
It can be expensive as an upfront cost to install an EV charging point on your home, however with government grants and options of earning, you can breakeven the costs soon enough with adding value and having a long-term investment attached to your home.
Home EV charging systems are not as fast as your DC public charging stations, and so if you need to charge last minute, they will still give you charge but not as much as a DC public charging station. However, it is cheaper to charge your electric vehicle at home and so will save you money.
Should I buy an EV charger?
If you are looking for a long-term solution that is practical, brings convenience and is environmentally friendly, contributing to an eco-friendlier future, then installing a home EV charging point is the perfect solution for you!
Interested in installing an EV charger?
If you feel EV chargers are the right fit for you and your home, contact our team today.
Need more information? You can find information on a broad range of topics from EV charging and solar power, to different home heating systems over on our blog.